Friday, February 02, 2007

Clows are on their way to Kennedy

I am so excited and thrilled to know that Carolyn and Marvin are en route to China. I feel like I should be going with them as we have been through every step of this process together. I want to be a little ladybug on their shoulder that minute that Kennedy is placed in their arms. Oh how sweet a moment that will be.
I am also thinking of the Stetson's from Summerside, that are on their way to China as well. Anyone who wants to follow their blog can check out (on my sidebar) and go to the section on travelling and click on their daughter Roshandra's name.
I am thrilled to finally see some of the people I know leaving for China it is a hopeful sign of progress. I hope it continues and even speeds up but there is no way to know or predict that.
Wahoo....Clows, Stetsons and all families on their way to China....I am thinking of you!

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