Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post #3 From China!

Day 3 IT’S OFFICIAL &…Wal-Mart?

Well first off, the video and pic’s are a wee bit of a challenge to say the least. The Cannon we have for the video taping of the journey is not compatible with our Mac, plus the fact that our e-mail will not let us send messages and combined with the fact that we have to use Hotmail with a max of 25 MB attachment makes getting you all pic’s and video impossible.  All this and we cannot download Skype or access the blog or Facebook means no visuals, sorry about that. Where’s Mitch? Anyone got iChat…and know how it works so they can explain it to me?

Well we are 2 days in with Tya and we had just had our 2nd full night of sleep so we are batting a 100% so lets hope that continues. We went to the passport office today to make it official, I guess? We are now waiting for her passport to be finished on Friday, which will allow us to take Tya home to where she will start her new life as a Canadian Citizen (that part is next week). We had another test at this office and we aced it…mainly because it was the same three questions as the day before. We got our picture taken in front of the red seal…because everyone else did although I still don’t know what it was or what it meant.

After the Passport office we decided to take our celebration to the nearest Wal-Mart, which I can only describe as LOUD.  The Chinese like their shopping loud, busy and bright. We had gone to Wal-Mart to pick up supplies for the babies and when we got there I can honestly say this place had everything and then some. Now I must say that buying things in a country with no English labels is an adventure, you look for things mainly based on color and hopefully, if lucky, recognizable branding.  Your head spins as you are bombarded with sound and lights and products and people and chickens hanging from hooks ready to be purchased. That’s right I said chickens, now before everyone gets grossed out, they were cooked…they just still had the heads on…and smelled…bad. And yes Savvy and I diverted Jen from that whole section. The rest of the store was noise galore, I felt like the Grinch (I know what some of you are thinking so quite), you know the part where he says  “noise, noise, noise” this place was nuts, on every isle there was someone selling something…with a mic… and a speaker. Oh ya, never buy things that you think will taste good, based on the color of the package, as the grape flavor looking package we bought ended up tasting like milk… solid milk, which as you can well imagine, none of us are that fond of!!!

The rest of the day was filled with K swimming in the pool (1 hour) and diner out at a Chinese restaurant…I mean a real Chinese restaurant with Chinese food, not a restaurant in China, get me? Anyway it was excellent, everything was yum I just can’t tell you what we ate as I can’t pronounce or really remember (still jet legged) what they said. Best Chinese food ever, and seeing as how we are in China, that should be a no brainer.  Unfortunately, for the second night in a row Kennah did not make it through dinner, as sleep found her again at 5 o’clock. 

Another hectic day and bed was a welcome sight.

Hope everyone is well and we will touch base soon, technology permitting.

XO by  5


Unknown said...

hahahahha Jeff ... always get a kick out of your explanations/blogging! Sounds like fun haha

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

So great to read the posts...what an amazing time for you all! Tya is so sweet...enjoy China!