Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 17th Quilt Piece Deadline

Ok.... I finally did it, I set a deadline. I have a very bored seamstress just looking for something to do...right Cathy? ;) I am in desperate need of quilt please please please help a girl out. I would love to have all the pieces in by March 17th....Saint Patrick's of my favorite that should make it easy for everyone to remember.
I am sure you have a piece of material laying around that will suit, anything that is meaningful to you. Look back at my blog to get ideas or look at Natalie's, Carolyn's or Debbie's to get inspired. I will do up the scrapbook pages if you are nervous to do that or simply include a picture of your family and your wish and I will do up a page in the scrapbook so that I can show Tya who sent her the piece of material and why.
I am excited to see the quilt all complete and I promise to post pictures. My aunt Cathy has been taking quilting lessons and she came over yesterday to show me some of her handywork and I am so excited to see my quilt complete. The quilt that she showed me was absolutely beautiful...I tried to keep it too.
MARCH 17th....I know I can count on you to help me meet my deadline....Thanks you are all amazing!

1 comment:

Natalie & Daniel Arsenault said...

Hi Jen!

Will have your piece/wish ready to give to you at the get together next week!

Take care,