Monday, March 19, 2007

10 month log in anniversary

Well first of all Happy Belated saint Patrick's Day.
I also wanted to mark in the blog the anniversary of 10 months waiting. I think I will have to adjust my guess time for when we will have a referral and when we will travel...looks like a longer wait than my longest wait guess is all about re-adjusting and patience at this point. Sam was helping me try to figure out a best guess and I think the best case scenario right now is May 2008 for a referral. We will have to wait and see that could change and could be worse and could be better. I will write more later, just wanted to acknowledge where we are at right now. Sigh.


Tao's Mommy said...

Happy belated St.Patty's day to you too!!! No green beer for me, but thought about it!!
Happy 10 months...before we know it Kennah will be crawling around and you will have Tya chasing her!!
I cannot believe how big Kennah is getting already!! Seems like last week when she was born......ahhh they grow like weeds!!

Red Sand said...

Happy 10 months! Wish the outlook were better, but it is what it is, isn't it?

Deb said...

Happy 10 month LID
Just looking at Kennah again, she looks so bright and cheerful.