Friday, January 19, 2007

EIGHT MONTH LID Anniversary!!!!

Wow...8 months since LID. It seems longer, it feels like all the months before that should count for something too. It seems bizarre to me that I can only be 8 months LID and yet be expecting to deliver a baby in about 3 weeks give or take a few days and I became pregnant so long after we started the whole process of adoption . In someways I have this feeling of how unfair it is, a kind of two sided emotion of happiness and anticipation for this baby and a sadness for how long it is taking to adopt Tya. I worry, worry, worry about all sorts of things but one thing I always worry about is that somehow I will have compromised the adoption by becoming pregnant. That is hard for me to admit and scary to write. I guess all I can do is place it in God's hands and hope that everything works out the way it is meant to. I am very blessed so far and as I look back over my life there has not been too many things that have happened that I haven't come to realize must have been meant to happen that way.
On another note today is windy, snowy and blustery and schools have cancelled an hour early so I am just waiting for my daughter to come home. I hope we get a chance to snuggle on the couch, wrap up in a blanket and drink some hot chocolate.


Natalie & Daniel Arsenault said...

That's what Mei Lin and I did today...except we replaced the hot chocolate with a bag of messy cheesies!!

Thinking about you!

Anonymous said...

Happy 8th! Hang in there....

Deb said...

Happy 8th Happy thoughts! ;o)
PS. Don't forget the marchmellows and enjoy those cuddle times.......oh that just made me miss Jaclyn.

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Congratulations on your 8 month anniversary! Jen, I think the way this has all worked out for you is just perfect...everything will work out wonderfully. Enjoy every minute while you're in it. Before you know it, you'll be chasing after two (three counting Savannah, but I'm guessing she'll be helping you do the chasing!!!)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Hey there! Don't feel guilty AT ALL that you got pregnant! Just enjoy it and treasure it. I'm sure that one day, your baby's sister from China will be very glad to have a sibling! Both of them are a true blessing, no matter which way they come to you! I am excited and happy for you!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh, and Happy 8th! HOORAY!

GGHadden said...

Happy LID!

Tao's Mommy said...

Ohh Happy #8!!! You are going to cruz right through once you have your baby!!