Sunday, December 03, 2006

Welcome to PEI Mei Lin

Yesterday Savannah and I headed down to Charlottetown airport to welcome Mei Lin and her mom and dad home. I had been in my masters all day and had a staff party that night but there was no way I was going to miss seeing her in real life! I rushed in the door from class and hurried Savannah to get ready and boogied on down to Charlotteown. Jeff was in Montreal at the Liberal Convention so he didn't come. When we got there we found out there was a delay and so we chatted with the many other PEICHINAADOPT families. There were some waiting like us, some who have had their girls for a couple of years and a couple that just finished their homestudy. It was a great opportunity to put faces with names and talk a bit. Some people I felt like I knew just from reading their blogs and following our Yahoo PEICHINAADOPT group. It was great to finally meet Debbie and Shane who are always so kind and thoughtful to post and offer support. It is funny how small our Island is and we really don't know everyone personally....of course, there is usually a connection and we all know each other through someone from the most part or know someone they are related to.
Mei Lin finally arrived and she was adorable full of smiles and sweet. Savannah had a balloon to give to her but felt too shy (or too old) just before the plane landed and asked Sophie (Stephanie and Trevor's oldest daughter) if she would mind giving it to her. Which she did and Mei Lin loved it. Mei Lin did a little walk around and then all the little girls came my rush to get to the airport I forgot my camera on the table so I have no pictures to post. Mei Lin was smaller than her pictures looked and so sweet. Savannah put her head on my shoulder as we surrounded the new family and whispered to me, "Now I know why Dad doesn't like to come to these things." I was a little surprised by her comment and asked her why and she replied, "Because it is too sad, Tya isn't here with us. This makes me miss her more." My eyes welled with tears and we left shortly after. I rushed home and got ready in half an hour for my staff party (record time for me) and arrived fashionably late to the big party. Everyone had a great time from what I saw...I left early exhausted and with what I think might be a case of larengitis. I am exhausted and ready for Christmas vacation. I am keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers tonight that Carolyn gets her referral picture has to be tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest, this waiting is driving us CRAZY!!!

1 comment:

Tao's Mommy said...

How wonderful that you got to see Mei Lin. Looks like she put on a show for everyone!!! What a sweet Savannah you miss Tya!! One day soon she will be here!!!