Thursday, December 13, 2007

19 months on the 19th!!!!

Wow....on Dec.19th we will be logged in for 19 months....I can't believe it! It seems like a dream that is never going to come true at this point. We had to have our homestudy updated recently and that helped make it seem like we were actually doing something. A good friend of mine is in China right now getting their little girl and I am so happy for them. Kennah recently turned 10 months and life is busy but good. I hope all is well with everyone still waiting and that Christmas is a time of happiness and hopefulness.


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Hey, Jenny girl! I'm so glad you posted again! 19 months, eh? Seems like yesterday that we were in a parking lot discussing the "idea" of international adoption. OMG, it's hard to believe all that's happened since then. Hang in there girl. Baby Tya will come home and you and Jeff will finally have your 3 girls together. Love ya much!!!

Anonymous said...

What are the symbols for spelling Tya in Chinese?